English Editing Researcher Services

Insieme possiamo pubblicare la tua ricerca

Edanze Esperti di Revisione in Lingua Inglese

Un madrelingua inglese, esperto nel tuo settore, revisionerà la tua pubblicazione dal punto di vista della grammatica, della fluidità e dell'accuratezza delle espressioni scientifiche. Questo significa che l'originalità e il significato della tua ricerca saranno chiaramente esposti all'editore della rivista. Ti rendiamo semplice il processo di pubblicazione, in modo che tu possa trascorrere più tempo concentrandoti sulla ricerca ed essere sicuro che la tua pubblicazione abbia le migliori opportunità di essere accettata.

Dal 1995 abbiamo aiutato oltre 150,000 testi ad essere pubblicati nelle riviste del SCI




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Thank you very much for your wonderful editing. I checked the contents. The consistency has been kept and the text was made clearer.

at an Incorporated Administrative Agency

I discovered Edanz through the BMC recommendation. I had previously used another language editing service, but soon discovered how much better Edanz is. They are fast, thorough and give me so many useful tips. The best thing about Edanz is that they not only edit my language, they also comment on the scientific quality. Valuable and extremely helpful advice. Even my statistician was impressed with the knowledge the person editing my manuscript had about statistics. I have no doubt in my mind that Edanz has helped me increase my chances of being accepted for publication. I have recommended Edanz to all my colleagues.

I just want to add that I am very thankful for your excellent work!

PhD student
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

I revised my paper after receiving questions from Edanz and submitted it. Although it needed a lot of revision, it was accepted in just three days. Edanz reread the contents and revised it accurately and thoroughly. 

Thank you very much for your editing.



Assistant Professor
Kyushu University

I am really satisfied with the editing work Edanz did on my paper. The language has been improved a lot after your polishing. Now I am confident to submit my paper. Thank you!

Dr Xiang Xiaosong
Research Institute of General Surgery, PLA

I reviewed my manuscript immediately after it was edited and am very satisfied. Thank you so much. I thank all of the Edanz staff. I passed the preliminary screening for my doctor thesis. While I cannot relax yet, I have made it this far with Edanz’s help. I am deeply appreciative.

Doctoral thesis